Coronavirus Precautions
We are following the guidance laid out by the CDC, King County Health Department, and the American Society of Acupuncturists to minimize the risk of Coronavirus transmission within our clinic. However, at this time, there is no way to guarantee zero exposure outside of self isolation. Please review the following temporary requirements and let us know before your appointment if you have any questions or concerns. It is absolutely essential that we all work as a team to keep our clinic as safe as possible for our patients and acupuncturists.
If you currently have symptoms, or have been exposed to someone with symptoms, do not make an appointment to come in for acupuncture. Please contact your primary care physician and follow their direction.
While Chinese Medicine alone does not cure COVID19, we would be happy to work with you remotely to prescribe herbs that can help manage or reduce your symptoms. Please do not return to our clinic until your doctor says it is safe for you to re-enter the general public. If you are still having residual symptoms after having COVID19, we can help you recover. Call or email us for more information about our no-contact herbal prescriptions. |
Before Returning To The Clinic, Please Read Our New Guidelines Below:
Scheduling your appointment
We have temporarily changed our available appointment times so that only one person or family group will be seen in two of our rooms. This means that you will be in a room by yourself, or with a family member. If you would like to schedule an appointment for yourself and a family member, please schedule one appointment slot for yourself and email us at [email protected] with the name of the additional family member(s) who will be coming for treatment with you. Family members who come in to be treated at the same time will be treated in the same room. At this time we are not allowing walk-in appointments.
If you need to cancel
We understand that there are many reasons why you may need to cancel an appointment. We ask you to cancel your appointment if you have any symptoms related to Coronavirus including fever, cough, or if you have been in close contact with anyone with those symptoms. We will not charge a cancelation fee for illness or disability. However, we do ask that you let us know in advance if you will not be attending your scheduled appointment. If you miss your appointment without letting us know in advance, we may not be able to reschedule you in the future.
Entering the clinic
Please apply hand sanitizer after touching all “high touch surfaces” such as door knobs, or the buttons on the payment station. We have hand sanitizer stations by all “high touch surfaces.” You can also use a disposable tissue to grasp the door knob. Throw the tissue away immediately after using it into one of our many garbage cans.
Wearing Masks
Everyone is required to wear a mask which fully covers your mouth and nose the entire time that you are in the clinic. If you do not own a mask we will provide one to you. We understand that wearing masks interferes with the ability to read lips. Please contact us in advance if you need accommodations so that we can problem solve with you.
Contactless Payment
We have updated our payment system so that it can be as contactless as possible. We can now accept Apple and Google Pay, as well as debit and credit cards. You will still need to tap the screen to select your payment amount. We provide hand sanitizer next to the payment station, and will be sanitizing the station as often as possible. If you will be writing a check please bring your own pen. If you will be paying in cash, please bring exact change only. We no longer require that you fill out a payment slip.
Getting comfortable for your treatment
We ask that you wash your hands with soap and water in the bathroom before settling into your reclining chair. Dry your hands off with a fresh hand towel and place it into the laundry basket when you are done with it. Once you are seated, please take off your shoes and place them directly into the white bin by your chair. This bin has been sanitized before you arrived to store your items safely. Please do not remove your mask while talking to your acupuncturist or during your treatment. We will bring you additional pillows or blankets that you might need in order to be as comfortable as possible during treatment.
When it is time to leave
We are limiting appointments to one hour to ensure enough time to sanitize each treatment room and bathroom between patients. Please leave any pillows or blankets that you touched on the chair that you were treated in. Your acupuncturists will remove every item you used for cleaning, and will sanitize the entire room after each patient.
What if I tested positive for or have Coronavirus symptoms. Can I come in?
If you have tested positive for Coronavirus, we will not be able to treat you in our clinic until your primary care doctor has cleared you to be in all public settings. We will be able to work with you remotely to prescribe herbal medicine which can be effective in managing your symptoms in collaboration with medical oversight from your primary care doctor.
Before your appointment, Please fill out a covid-19 consent form
Before your appointment, please download and fill out the COVID-19 consent form. We prefer that you email it to us at [email protected]. Otherwise, you can bring it with you to your appointment. If you are unable to fill it out before hand, we can provide a paper copy in the clinic.

COVID19 Consent Form | |
File Size: | 58 kb |
File Type: |